We are committed to doing our share as a socially conscious business in the communities we are a part of. By partnering with businesses and organizations in the regions around the world where ASML is located, we are building trust and contributing to our communities.
The Netherlands
Expanding access to basic needs and supporting our communities
Brainport Eindhoven Partner Fund
As part of the Brainport Eindhoven Partner Fund, we help to strengthen the region and support local people who are struggling. Through this partnership, we participate in community activities to help tackle urgent social challenges in the region, for example by supporting services that provide budgeting and financial management advice for those in need.
Affordable Housing project
There is a significant housing shortage in the Brainport Eindhoven region of the Netherlands, which puts serious pressure on affordability. People with low to middle incomes struggle to find affordable homes, and ASML's growth adds to their challenge. In 2023, we launched our Affordable Housing project, which aims to help increase the number of affordable homes for everyone in the Brainport Eindhoven region, primarily by providing support for the construction of new homes. We run this project in collaboration with several external parties, such as housing corporations, municipalities and real estate developers.
Other social initiatives
We take part in a variety of social initiatives. For example, we provide yearly donations to the local food banks around our Dutch headquarters. In addition, we support the Eindhoven homeless shelter Springplank, which provides accommodation and advice for homeless people, as well as Stichting Leergeld, which organizes social activities and resources for children in poverty. We also facilitate regional activities that focus on building social connections and helping newcomers get acquainted with the region and local culture. Every year, we organize the ‘Angel Tree’: a collection of presents for children whose parents are clients of the local food bank.

United States
Helping those in need and protecting the environment
Food bank support
Every December in San Diego, our employees help package and sort food at our annual Food Sorting Night at the San Diego Food Bank. In Silicon Valley, we have partnered with Second Harvest of Silicon Valley for over a decade. Our local team hosts food drives and organizes volunteer groups to sort food at local warehouses throughout the year.
Family Giving Tree
We support the Family Giving Tree charity in Silicon Valley, collecting school supplies, backpacks and personalized holiday gifts across the year to be donated to disadvantaged families and individuals in the community.
Boys & Girls Clubs
We support the Boys & Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley’s summer enrichment programs, providing volunteers and funding for scholarships that offer lower-income students the opportunity to participate in STEM, sports, arts and wellness-focused summer camps.
Wilton Land Conservation Trust
In Connecticut, we work with the Wilton Land Conservation Trust to improve open space amenities and restore biodiversity. We removed invasive plant species and planted native plants and trees to support birds and wildlife at the Eugenia Slaughter Native Wildflower Meadow and Schencks Island in Wilton.

Caring for the planet and people
Beach cleanups
To help preserve and protect nearby nature, our teams in Asia participate in regular beach cleanups. Colleagues, along with their families and friends, put their appreciation for the environment into action by removing garbage from reservations and nature parks.
Holiday giving
Over the holiday season, our Christmas Shoebox Project collects gifts that are prepared and wrapped by ASML employees. The shoeboxes are sent to children from economically disadvantaged families in remote areas, bringing a spark of holiday joy with each delivery.

Green communities
ASML aims to be a good corporate citizen and contribute to the current and future livability of our local communities. Even though biodiversity is not a material topic for ASML globally, we recognize its importance for local stakeholders. Our ambition is to prevent net loss of biodiversity and net deforestation resulting from our operations and building activity by preserving, safeguarding, restoring and enhancing our landscapes. Therefore, ASML assesses dependency and impact-related biodiversity risks. This assessment covers ASML’s own operations. No major risks were identified.
Apply for support
We always welcome new opportunities to sponsor activities, initiatives or organizations that align with our community engagement focus areas of education, sports, arts and music, and local outreach.